Stability Assistance is offered to provide a one-time financial assistance to assist individuals and families experiencing a crisis that put them in a homeless or near homeless situation.
Stability Assistance can be utilized for:
- Past due rent
- Past due utilities
- Propane-depending on county
Eligibility Criteria:
- Fall into income guidelines
- Be in a verifiable crisis situation
- Payment avoids disconnection or eviction
- Participant will be able to sustain the following month
Required Documentation:
- A photo ID & Social Security Card
- Verification of crisis situation (disconnect or eviction notice)
- Proof of income
- Completed application & budget
Located in all 21 CNCAP counties and Cherry County; contact your local office to apply or the Family Outreach central office at 308-745-0780
**Not sure you qualify; call anyway-Family Outreach is here to help**