The goal of the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program is to provide services and case management to focus on obtaining stable and permanent housing solutions. The Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program works to help homeless or near homeless Veterans, both individuals and families get access to housing and services. The Veteran and the case manager will work together to develop a housing stability plan .
SSVF can also be utilized for:
- Security Deposits
- Rental Assistance
- Utility payments
- Budgeting
- Supportive financial services
Eligibility Criteria:
- Be a Veteran or member of a family in which the head of household or spouse is a Veteran
- Meet SSVF income guidelines
- Be in a literally homeless situation (living in shelter or place not meant for human habitation) or in imminent risk of becoming homeless
Required Documentation:
- A photo ID
- DD-214 or verification of Veteran status
- Have a discharge of anything other than dishonorable
- Proof of residency (letter from shelter or other documentation of homelessness, eviction notice or letter asking to leave, etc)
The SSVF Program serves a total of 62 counties within Nebraska: CNCAP's 21 service counties, counties throughout Western Nebraska, and Lincoln and Saunders counties. Contact your local office to apply or the SSVF Coordinator at 308-385-5500
Scottsbluff Office-1718 10th Street, Suite 200-(308)310-0275
North Platte Office -109 East 2nd, Suite 2- (308)568-0006
Lincoln Office-6400 Cornhusker Highway, Suite 175- (531)249-3497
**Not sure you qualify; call anyway-Family Outreach is here to help**