The goal of the HART (Housing, Advocacy and Referrals for Totality) program is to provide short term financial assistance to assist participants to prevent homelessness or rapidly re-house those who are literally homeless and to offer short term case management to assist participants to address barriers.
HART can be utilized for:
- Security Deposits
- Rental Assistance
- Utility deposits
- Utility payments
- Budgeting
- Advocacy & Referral
Eligibility Criteria:
- Meet the income guidelines-for near homeless
- Living in a shelter
- Staying in a place not meant for human habitation
- Domestic Violence
- Eviction
- Living with family/friends and being asked to leave
Required Documentation and Responsibilities:
- Have a photo ID and social security card or be able to obtain
- Current proof of income
- Completed application
- Agree to meet with a case manager to make housing stability plan
- Agree to inspection of current or potential housing to ensure standards are met
- Honesty and follow through
Located in all 21 CNCAP counties and Cherry County; contact your local office to apply or the HART Coordinator at 308-745-0780
**Not sure you qualify; call anyway-Family Outreach is here to help**